You shouldn’t have to find time in your day to go to a branch to get a loan. Loans should be available in the moments and places you need them. They should be simple, fast, and accessible to all.
You shouldn’t be combing through the fine print to understand the full cost and terms of a loan. Repayment terms should be clear and transparent so that you can make an informed decision on what works for you.
You shouldn’t be made to feel bad when the unexpected in life inevitably happens. Instead, you should have someone that is going to listen, understand your situation, and work with you to find a solution. Judgment-free.
You shouldn't be left to figure this all out on your own. You deserve to have a financial partner that is invested in helping build for the future you want. You deserve a partner with your best interest at the forefront, always.
Fig is a unique company backed by Fairstone Bank and developed in collaboration with Koru, a groundbreaking venture studio owned by Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan. Fairstone has almost 100 years of lending experience allowing Fig to combine the best of both worlds - the agility and scrappiness of the start-up world and the experience, stability and resources of the corporate world.